Monthly Archives: October 2018

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Hi Folks,

It’s just about October. The Sox and Yankees are gearing up for a likely playoff showdown, but all of a sudden the Patriots look mighty shaky. Not sure if even Joe Potvin could repair the leaks in that boat. It certainly was a rainy September; let’s hope we get to enjoy some bright, crisp October days.

As of the last report, the road repaving was just about complete. In the very near future, the contractor will be back to finish a small segment of Shaw Acres Extension plus Moose Run. Special thanks to Victor, Omeros, and Bob Kearney for the effort with both the bank and contractors to get the project done. A reminder to all members who opted for the annual installment payment plan, that you need to send a check for $357 to Bob K at 11 Shaw Acres Rd. asap. Please note the boat channel dredging will resume this November.

And speaking of boats, another reminder that the Boat Docks are scheduled to be taken out Saturday, October 6th, so please make appropriate plans to get your boat off the dock this week.

I have attached a copy of the September minutes. At the meeting, we welcomed new members Keith and Christine Runyan, who bought Bill Lenihan’s place on Sand Beach. And because we did not have enough members in attendance or proxy votes, (an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership is required to pass an amendment to the By Laws), the proposal to reduce the number of meetings and alter the meeting schedule was tabled.  But please note that all but one member in attendance indicated they were in favor of the proposal. I will send out a written ballot in a separate mailing in hopes that we can get this resolved.

That’s it for now, but here’s an FYI – I am having a few trees cut down, so if you would like to have the company take a look at your place while they’re here, please let me know.

Best Regards,  Bud Kohler, SACA Secretary

Filed under Letters

July/Annual 2018 Meeting Minutes

SACA Annual Meeting Minutes

June 30, 2018

A quorum of households being present, President Omeros Galiatsatos opened the meeting.

Secretary’s Report: Bud Kohler distributed minutes from the May meeting, and, having been absent from that meeting, thanked VP John Mason for taking the notes. The highlight of the May meeting was the discussion of the bank loan for the road repaving project. Motion to accept May Minutes made by Victor Salemme; seconded by Bill Faircloth. Minutes accepted unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Omeros G. first admonished that it was nearly July and there were too many outstanding dues and asked the membership to be more diligent in that regard. Bob Kearney reiterated on the dues, but reported we were in solid shape in all accounts. He distributed a general summary of accounts, with a detailed transaction sheet to follow. Omeros G. added that the Term Loan we have established with the bank will be entered into the ledger. Motion to accept report by Rhoda salemme; seconded by Jim Ready. Report accepted unanimously.

Harbor Report: Omeros G. first reminded members that all boats on the dock must be registered and a copy of the registration be submitted to the Harbor Committee. Victor S. thanked those who have been helping with dock maintenance. He reported that few registrations had been received. Optimistic that dredging project and dock anchor realignment will be completed this fall. There will be a need to provide maintenance and replace a good deal of the chain. Motion to accept report by Laura Mike; seconded by Ken Kearny. Report accepted unanimously.

Road Report: Omeros G. relayed that the $35K term loan had been signed and entered into account with Norway savings for the road repaving project.

-Victor S. reported that Tom Moulton Paving (out of Yarmouth) was the lowest bidder at $82,500. Repaving will begin right after Labor Day.

-Bud K. will send out specific dates in an email blast and post on the website.  He will also include Moulton’s contact info for those who might want to get personal paving done at that time.

-Steve Hopkins asked about boulders pushing up. Victor S. – pavers will shim them. Vic also confirmed that he would be present during the repaving.

-Nate Allen suggested that people contact Dwayne Beckwith and ask to arrange to leave cars on his lot if/when the road is cut off.

-Omeros G. reminded membership that next partial payment is due October 1st.

-Bob Lenihan asked about closing costs. $3,373 for attorneys’ fees for title search and closing cost; $1,657 withheld by the bank.

Motion to accept report by Steve Hopkins; seconded by Nate A. Report accepted unanimously.

Old Business:

1) Victor S. reported that the PortaPotty company complained of trash in receptacle. They will stop providing the service if this persists.

2) Sun Pier: Victor S. reported that Del Wescott from Dock World (builders of the sun pier) did not get back to our inquiries on repair needs. Many thanks to members, particularly John Woronka, Malcolm Dixon, and Joe Potvin for repairs.

The ladder was welded. Deck was reinforced and propped where necessary. In the fall we will do more where needed and expect to do it ourselves, so those who can help, please contact Victor.

-Some concern expressed about fireworks being lit off on the Sun Pier. Please keep fireworks on the beach but be careful of the boats.

New Business: -Pot Luck Dinner Saturday July 21st at 5:00

-Annual SACA cookout Saturday August 25th at 5:00. Please bring a dessert.

-Randy Sue Allen asked that dead light bulbs be replaced on shed to help with beach area after dark.

-Joe Potvin asked about notices received from Town of Standish regarding St. Joe’s. Bud K. clarified it was a routine precaution taken by the college regarding an upcoming hearing on expansion of their banquet/events facilities.

-Steve Overstreet asked about Speed Bumps. Victor S. responded that they were not included in the repaving plans. A dialogue on the relative merits of the bumps or alternatives like the roadside caution signs took place. Motion to reinstall speed bumps made by Steve Overstreet; seconded by Bob K. Motion defeated with only 4 Ayes.

-Laura M. asked about the new raft. Clarified that it belonged to Lisa Gates & John Woronka. Members are welcome to use it, but at your own risk; there are “Private Property” signs posted on it.

-There was a discussion on the number and timing of SACA meetings. Bud K. explained that the response to his survey was not overwhelming, but of those who responded, there was a clear opinion that we move to hold two (2) meetings instead of three. One suggestion moved the meetings off the holiday weekends to free up members’ time on those weekends.

Motion to submit to the membership to create an amendment to the

By Laws:  There shall be two meetings each year: one on the weekend of the second week of June, and one on the weekend of the second week of August, which shall serve as the Annual Meeting.

Motion made by Victor S.; seconded by Laura M. Motion passed unanimously. Bud K. will send out notice in his summer newsletter that this proposed amendment will be voted on at the September meeting, asking for proxies for those who cannot attend.

Elections:  Three spots on the BOD are open. Ken Kearney & Rhoda Salemme both volunteered to serve another term. Jay Middleton had submitted his name. No other names were forthcoming from the floor. Jay, Ken & Rhoda were voted in unanimously and thanked for offering their service. Special thanks to outgoing BOD Sharon Dixon for her time and service.

50/50 Raffle won by Bob Kearney.

Motion to adjourn Rhoda S.; seconded by Bill F. Meeting adjourned. Happy Independence Day to all.  Minutes taken by Bud Kohler; SACA Secretary.


Filed under Minutes

Fall 2018 Meeting Minutes


Saturday, September 1, 2018  A quorum of households in attendance, President Omeros Galiatsatos, called the meeting to order.

Secretary’s Report: Bud Kohler distributed hard copies of the Annual Meeting minutes of June 30th. Highlights included the “go ahead” of the bank loan for the repaving project; repairs were made to the Sun Dock by members since the builders, Dock World, had not responded to our calls; a motion to reinstall the speed bumps did not pass. In addition, the motion to propose an amendment to the By Laws to reduce the number of meetings to 2 passed with the votes to take place at this September meeting. Ken Kearney and Rhoda Salemme were re-elected as BOD members, and Jay Middleton went unopposed to replace Sharon Dixon on the board. Omeros G. reminded everyone that the next partial payment for the repaving is due October 1st. Motion to accept minutes made by Laura Mike; seconded by Victor Salemme. Minutes accepted unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bob Kearney reported that accounts were in good order: General Fund at $18K; Road $21.6; and Boaters $13.5, which should cover the upcoming dredging project. The Road Repair includes the loan ($77.3K), so plenty to cover that project as well.Bob Lenihan asked if the projects will drain the Boat and Road accounts. No: $10K still in the Road account.Omeros G. added the reminder again that those paying for the repaving in installments need to remember to send a check of $357 to Bob Kearney at the start of October. He also asked if we should transfer some $5K from checking to savings in the General Fund to get a bit more interest. – Yes; we can always move it back. Motion to accept report by Jim Ready; seconded by Ken Kearney; report accepted unanimously.

Harbor Committee Report:

    • With two slips open, Victor S. said there would be a boaters’ meeting after the regular meeting to discuss slips.
    • Dredging starts in November. Some rocks will be removed.
    • Omeros again asked the floor for a volunteer to be Harbor Master; Vic S. volunteered – thank you Victor!


  • At this juncture, Docks out Saturday October 6th  Motion to accept report by Bob L.; seconded by Joe Potvin. Report accepted unanimously.

Road Report:  Vic S. said repaving scheduled for Sept. 10th-12th. People could submit their names if they wanted to talk with Moulton about their own driveways. Bob L. asked how long for the repaving to settle. Heavy equipment should be fine pretty quickly.Motion to accept report by Bob K.; seconded by Jay Middleton. Report accepted unanimously.

Old Business:  Annual cookout had a tremendous turnout of some 70 people! A great time was had. Bud K. asked if folks wanted more entertainment. Danny Wilson recounted pie eating contests and games for the kids with a prize table. A band? Recommended that we try more and Danny helps!

New Business:

  • Keith & Christine Runyan were introduced as the new owners of Bill Lenihan’s place on Sand Beach. Accepted as members unanimously.
  • Because we did not enough households in attendance or proxy votes sent in, the proposed amendment to the By Laws to reduce the number of SACA meetings and alter the meeting dates was tabled. Please note we must have an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership to pass an amendment. However, with only one vote to the negative, the entire rest of the members in attendance showed their approval through a show of hands. So Bud K. will send out another written ballot seeking a resolution on the proposal.
  • Lila Thierault suggested SACA buy a lawn tent for the grassy area to help provide shelter from extreme sun, as well as for when it rains. It was agreed it should not be a gazebo or anything permanent. Danny W. suggested a non-permanent awning with poles and sleeves for the near end of the Sun Pier that could be installed and taken down each summer. We will look into this. (Danny is on a hot streak!)
  • Steve Overstreet asked that we need to look at some dead trees bordering the road, especially in advance of the paving.
  • Bob L. expressed concern over traffic from outsiders, citing a complaint that was entered on a Facebook page. Omeros G. reminded members that SACA does not have “police” Members need to be willing to politely address strangers to confirm if they are guests or renters. If uncomfortable with a situation, one can always call the sheriiff about trespassing and uncooperative strangers.
  • Bud K. said he was having some trees cut down and asked if anyone wanted the company to look at their property while here.
  • Thanks to Joe Carpine for donating a picnic table for the grass area, and to Joe P. for volunteering to repair and paint.

50/50 raffle won by Bob Spindler. Happy Labor Day weekend to all! Minutes submitted by Bud Kohler, SACA Secretary


Filed under Minutes