Monthly Archives: October 2015
Drainage Work Pictures
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Drainage work
Having been awarded the $2,000 matching grant by the Portland Water District, work is proceeding down at the beach area to improve the drainage. Victor Salemme, Malcolm Dixon, and Duane Beckwith have been hard at work completing the job. Victor provided the following report:
“The pipe from the Lyon’s property extends about 30 under their driveway; we connected with that pipe and added another 80 more feet. This will allow the water to drain into the lake through a 10 foot perforated section of pipe that extends under the rip rap rocks, which is buried and can’t be seen. This will assist in draining the water that overflows over and under the wall which contributes to the erosion problem. The other pipe is from a failed French drain put in some years ago. This pipe became clogged with grit and dirt which also contributed to the erosion on the beach. The PBR also gives us authority to pull back as much sand as we can without entering the lake water or upsetting the sediment under the sand which, in most cases, is clay.
Today we will begin work on the boaters ramp. We have permission to pull the old timber from the boat ramp area which has become a safety issue. After the removal we will install and fill in the void with two inches of washed rock which will stabilize this area. I thought we maybe had bit off a little too much, but for us old farts but it’s turning out to be a pretty decent project.
All this work was done to the specification given by the PWD and DEP. It was also inspected by PWD and they added a couple of things like erosion control mulch around the wall area to prevent new loam from entering the lake. Overall, they liked what they saw.”
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