Category Archives: Gallery

Protected: Pictures from the SACA Social July 27th

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Over 100 Attend Annual Cookout!

Annual Cookout

Annual Cookout

Record attendance! No fewer than 100 people from over 20 member households gathered for a wonderful Labor Day celebration, and bid good-bye to another glorious summer together on the Lake. Thanks to Keith Runyan for the aerial photo!

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July 4th 2019 at the beach

Malcolm Dixon Relaxing

Malcolm Dixon Relaxing

July 4th 2019 (2)

July 4th 2019

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Farewell Cookout

SACA members enjoy a cookout and pot luck down at the beach to say goodbye to another fun summer. We’ll have to work on our “dabbing”. Thanks to Nate Allen, Bob Lenihan, and Victor Salemme for the photos. Keep sending in the pics over the fall and winter.9590-MMS-1504455917000-attachment1-IMG_20170902_181845771_HDR20170902_16502720170902_165159 (1)20170902_16504620170902_165305IMG_0025IMG_0026IMG_0028IMG_0030IMG_2750IMG_2753

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Drainage Work Pictures

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A lake for all seasons


July 9, 2015 · 4:21 pm

Fun at Sebago Lake

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